Wednesday 10 December 2008

Mithun Deb's Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task Evaluation
After finishing my school magazine I would say my music magazine has the looks and the style to be a school magazine as it has the appropriate shot if image including its location, props, and people as I have a student in mine. This is because all my images are taken within the schools premises, and shows consistency of school magazine as the image on the front cover and contents page is related to the school. Areas of improvement that could have been made are if I added a few more students into the photo instead of just one this will state more clearly that it’s a school but at the same time also it wouldn’t as it will make the setting more unrealistic and the image will become darker as there will be lost in light because of shadows.

For my image I have used a mid shot near the new music block with one of my mates an Ex-Acland Burghley secondary school student and a current La Swap sixth form student near the building, to show its consistency of style and status as one of the top schools in North London. The status of the school is shown in the building as we can see that it was expensive to build and the modern style of it represents the school as a whole. The mid shot connotes status and respect as it’s on a standing ground level. Whereas a low shot would connote being controlled and a high shot would of connoted dominance.

Before I took my picture for the schools magazine I planned out how I was going to take my photo beforehand by deciding on how my image would be seen most effective in a specific style that I chose, for this I had to decide upon how much light I would need in the frame, what camera angle I needed, what will be the best setting, and appropriate props. For my image I wanted a natural looking frame for this I made sure that there wasn’t too much light (sunlight), that there were natural looking surroundings on the floor such as leaves, etc, and I made sure the posture of the student also looked natural and make sure the colours of the clothes aren’t too bright.
My magazine also represents the student in the school as the student currently attends the La Swap sixth form within the school who is currently doing his A levels. He is representing the magazine dresses casually to show that it’s a non uniform school. The image that I have taken reflects on the schools Art status as the new music block is also shown as a piece of art with its modern shape and style with a choice of attention seeking colours, as well that the writing on the front cover which state that it’s not just a school but also ‘An exhibition of Art’ which tells the reader straight away that it specialises in Art. I have also used a variety of fonts according to my image that I have taken and decided that I will use the most decorated fonts that I download as the school has an arts college status with a variety of colours.

While doing the production of the preliminary task I found using the software packages such as Adobe Photoshop, etc, easy to use for the development of my magazine as I have used them before for other task and I knew what I was doing with it. I targeted my audience at school students within the school as this is a school magazine, to do this I have made sure that I have included everything on the front cover to make sure that it shows that it belongs to the school such as put in the schools logo, name, pictures, etc.

My contents page has one image in it which is to do with one of the main stories which will get the students reading the magazine, which of the story is about ex-students of Acland Burghley Ms Dynamite and brother Akala who are now famous in the music industry re-visiting the school after so many years. I am happy with this image as looking at the main story line and the image together is bound to attract student’s attention. The improvement that could of have been made here is to make a bit more space for more images of main stories so that its shows small snippet clips of the stories inside the magazine.

I have made sure that my magazine is free of errors including spelling and punctuation errors, I have made sure that all my spellings are right and by double checking every word to make so that it’s all alright and if I wasn’t sure if a word was right I went to check on the online dictionary, so my magazine is proven that it is free of typo and punctuation errors, etc. I made sure that I have spent my in both inside and outside of lesson to get as much work as I can on the task as there was plenty to do, to make sure of this I made sure I can do as much as I can whenever is possible. The only problem I had is with organisation as I had so much work it was really hard to keep up on organising it appropriately.

Overall I am happy with my magazine in terms of its design and consistency as it fits into the criteria perfectly for a school magazine, but if I were to improve anything in the magazine it would be the contents page the only problem is there is too much text taking up the space and not enough space for pictures.

By Mithun Deb

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